List of internet service providers, webhosting companies, etc. which are used by
EDIS Global, VPS in 40+ locations provides 45 testing servers. Servers are provided in: Austria - Vienna, Österreich - Austria - Graz, Australia - Sydney, Belgium - Brussels, Colombia - Colombia, Canada - Montréal, Schweiz - Zurich - #2, Schweiz - Zurich - #3, Schweiz - Zurich - #4, Chile - Viña del Mar, Croatia - Zagreb, CZ - Prague - Edis, Deutschland - Germany - Frankfurt, Denmark - Copenhagen, Spain, france, United Kingdom - London, United Kingdom - London Docklands, Greece - Thessaloniki, Hong Kong - Kwai Chung, hungary, Hungary - Budapest #3, Israel - Tel Aviv, Iceland - Hafnarfjordur, Italy, Italy - Sicily Palermo, Japan - Tokyo, Lithuania - Vilnius, Latvia - Riga, Moldova - Chisinau, Netherlands - Amsterdam, North Macedonia - Skopje, Norway - Oslo, Poland, Polska - Warsaw - #3, Romania - Bucharest, Serbia - Belgrade, Russia Moscow, Russia - St. Petersburg, Singapore - Singapore, Slovenia - Ljubljana, Sweeden, United Arab Emirates - Dubai, United States of Ameria - New York, USA - Miami. provides 16 testing servers. Servers are provided in: Australia - Sydney, Canada - Montreal, Israel - Tel Aviv, Germany - Frankfurt, Estonia - Tallinn, Spain - Madrid, France - Gravelines, Israel - Tel Aviv, Italy - Palermo, Netherlands - Amsterdam, Poland - Warsaw, Sweden - Stockholm, Singapore - Singapore, United Kingdom - London, United States - Washington, United States - Los Angeles. provides 13 testing servers. Servers are provided in: Australia - Melbourne, Sydney, Brazil - Sao Paulo, Chille - Santiago, España - Seville, France - Paris - #2, USA - Hawai, India - Delhi -, 日本 東京 - Japan Osaka (Vultr), South Korea - Seoul, Mexico - Mexico City, Chicago, South Africa - Johannesburg - provides 11 testing servers. Servers are provided in: Canada - Toronto, Estonia - Tallinn, Hong Kong, Israel - Tel Aviv, Netherlands - Amsterdam, Poland - Warsaw, United Kingdom - London, United States - Ashburn, United States - Chicago, United States - Dallas, USA - Seattle.
Linode provides 7 testing servers. Servers are provided in: Australia - Sydney, Deutschland - Frankfurt - #1, London, Indonesia - Jakarta, India - Mumbai, Japan - Tokyo, Singapore. provides 6 testing servers. Servers are provided in: Brno, Tokyo, Singapore - Zoner,, New York, Miami. provides 5 testing servers. Servers are provided in: Canada - Toronto, Canada - Vancouver, Deutschland - Frankfurt - #4, United Kingdom - Manchester, USA - Salt Lake City.
Casablanca CZ provides 1 testing server. Server is provided in: CZ - Prague - Casablanca.
Master Internet provides 1 testing server. Server is provided in: CZ - Brno - Master. provides 1 testing server. Server is provided in: Slovensko - Bratislava.
Systel Systemy Teleinformatyczne provides 1 testing server. Server is provided in: Katowice.
Metropolitní s.r.o. provides 1 testing server. Server is provided in: Havlíčkův Brod.
Serbian Open eXchange provides 1 testing server. Server is provided in: Belgrade.
Real Station Broadband provides 1 testing server. Server is provided in: Dhaka.
X-Press Technologies Ltd. provides 1 testing server. Server is provided in: Dhaka.
Serverwala provides 0 testing servers. Server is provided in: .
All statistics are indicative, based on test results from visitors to this site. The results can be affected by both the quality of the connection and the hardware and software effects on the visitor side or other unnoticed effects.