
>500 ms
<500 ms
<250 ms
<75 ms
<15 ms
<5 ms


<2 Mbits
>2 Mbits
>5 Mbits
>20 Mbits
>50 Mbits
>100 Mbits


<1 Mbits
>1 Mbits
>3 Mbits
>10 Mbits
>30 Mbits
>50 Mbits

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IP (hostname):103.97.241._ (103.97.241._)
Date and time:09.11.2020 17:36
Download speed (down)
on 1 thread:20,15 Mbit/s (2,52 MB/s | 20 146,73 kbit/s)
on more threads (threads: 15):35,09 Mbit/s (4,39 MB/s | 35 088,84 kbit/s)
Upload speed (upload)
on 1 thread:15,38 Mbit/s (1,92 MB/s | 15 384,47 kbit/s)
on more threads (threads: 15):33,51 Mbit/s (4,19 MB/s | 33 510,17 kbit/s)
Ping (ping)
Download in:MP3 for 0,9 sec | CD for 2,7 min | DVD for 17,9 min

Speed test result 09.11.2020 - IP: 103.97.241.-

Faster than 45% users.
Jitter 4,3 ms
Multithreaded test made also on these servers:

Outputs of this test

  • download speed test - the speed at which data are downloaded from the testing server
  • upload - the speed at which data are uploaded to the testing server
  • ping - the time needed to send and receive a small amount of data

Connection speed under a magnifying glass

The results of the test show you a series of key values ​​that allow you to evaluate your connection and decide, for example, whether to choose a different rate or another provider. The main values ​​include:


Downloading shows the download speed of data to your device, expressed in megabits per second (Mbits). A higher value is better because the faster the download, the less time you wait to load a web page or to download an email attachment. A home Internet connection is usually asymmetrical, which means that the data transfer speed to the user is higher than the upload speed.


Another basic value revealed by the test results is upload. Upload shows how fast you can upload data to the internet with your connection, also measured in Mbit/s. As with downloading, a higher number is better. A quick upload is important for backing up to the cloud or for streaming. The higher the value, the faster you can upload data from your device to the internet.


Ping measures the time it takes for data to be sent from a host to a destination computer and back again. It is measured in milliseconds (ms). As opposed to downloading and uploading, with ping, the lower the value, the better. This value is especially important for online game players who need a quick response from the server when playing, so that their action in a game is not delayed. A relatively fast ping is less than 40 ms. Anything within the range of 0 to 10 ms is considered a very good result.


Jitter expresses the fluctuations of the ping value and, therefore, the stability of the connection. The result ​​(in milliseconds) should be as low as possible. The higher the jitter value displayed in the test, the worse your internet connection stability is.

The detailed results of the speed test show the amount of data in megabytes (MB) that you can theoretically download and upload during a given period of time. Thus, you can easily find out if the data volumes and speed are adequate. This is highly practical. The owners of blogs and websites have the option of inserting a free connection speed test directly on their websites through the embedding code.

Numbers that do not lie

You pay your internet provider for an internet connection which must meet certain technical parameters within the selected rate. These include not only the download speed, but also the speed of data uploading, along with the latency or response (ping) time.

In practice, however, these values​​ can vary considerably from those advertised. This could be a long-term issue or perhaps only a short-term complication due to a technical problem or an aggregation (sharing the capacity of an internet link among multiple users). The speed test will help you to discover these differences and show you the actual speed of your connection. This can be done in less than a minute and without any complicated setup.