News What is the optimal download and upload speed?

What is the optimal download and upload speed?

What is the optimal internet speed for streaming, gaming, or working from home? Discover with us what influences download and upload speeds and what type of connection is best suited for your needs. We will advise you on how to test your internet speed and how to increase it if necessary.

What is the optimal download and upload speed?

Most people can no longer imagine their lives without internet access. Despite all efforts, the quality of connection often isn’t sufficient, leading to slowdowns and sometimes even outages. However, a lot depends on what you want to use the internet for.

There is a big difference between checking emails occasionally or planning to stream games from morning to night. Let's take a look at how important connection speed is for surfing the web and how you can influence it.

What is internet speed?

First of all, we should look at what internet speed actually is. In short, it is an indicator that shows how quickly a given network can transmit data. This speed is usually expressed in bits per second (bit/s) or more commonly in megabits per second (Mbit/s).

Additionally, there is a need to distinguish between download speed and upload speed – the differences between them will be detailed below.

Download speed

Download speed, or “download speed,” determines how fast files can be downloaded from the internet to a selected device. In terms of internet speed, it is one of the most tracked indicators as most people download more data than they upload. This speed affects not only direct file downloads but also ordinary web browsing, which may include activities like:

  • Viewing web pages – higher download speed means faster web page loading.

  • Streaming video – high download speed is essential for streaming high-definition videos without delay. For example, streaming HD video on Netflix requires a recommended download speed of 5 Mbit/s, while 4K content requires at least 25 Mbit/s.

  • Listening to music – with a higher download speed, you can expect faster loading of tracks and almost no delays between songs. The chosen sound quality, which can be set on most platforms, significantly affects this.

  • Downloading files – if you want to download a large file, such as a game or a patch, higher download speed will shorten the time needed to complete the download – instead of several hours, it may take only tens of minutes or at most an hour.

  • Playing online games – although online games typically don’t require high download speeds (since much of the data is actually uploaded, not downloaded), stable and fast connections can enhance user experience and prevent unpleasant outages.

Beware of misleading advertisements from providers. Most of them state the maximum download speed, which not all users may reach. It all depends on network load, signal quality in your area, and the type and age of your device.

Upload speed

Upload speed determines how quickly you can send data from your device to the internet. This is crucial for activities such as uploading videos to YouTube, sharing large files, or video calls.

Upload speed, often referred to as “upload speed,” indicates how quickly you can upload data from your device to the internet. In practice, it is the opposite of download speed, which indicates how quickly you can download data. Upload speed is again measured in bits or megabits per second.

What is the recommended internet speed?

Internet connection speed can vary based on the specific activities you perform online. Other factors also play a role in transmission quality, so it is impossible to provide exact values. Below is a table showing approximate connection speeds you will need for various activities.


Min. download speed

Min. upload speed

Web browsing or emails

1 Mbit/s


Streaming music

1 Mbit/s


Streaming video (SD quality)

3 Mbit/s


Streaming video (HD quality)

5 Mbit/s


Streaming video (4K quality)

25 Mbit/s


Online gaming

3–6 Mbit/s

1 to 5 Mbit/s

Video calls (SD quality)

1 Mbit/s

1 Mbit/s

Video calls (HD quality)

2.5 Mbit/s

2.5 Mbit/s

Uploading large files


5 Mbit/s

Home office (cloud access, video calls, etc.)

10 Mbit/s

5 Mbit/s

Different types of connections and their impact on speed

The type of connection you have can also affect your internet speed. In the Czech Republic, you can encounter five main connection types, namely DSL, cable internet, fiber optics, satellite internet, or wireless internet 4G/5G.


Download speed

Upload speed


1 to 100 Mbit/s

1 to 10 Mbit/s

Cable internet

10 to 500 Mbit/s

5 to 50 Mbit/s

Fiber optics

250 Mbit/s to 1 Gbit/s

250 Mbit/s to 1 Gbit/s

Satellite internet

10 to 100 Mbit/s

1 to 3 Mbit/s

Wireless internet 4G/5G

5 to 50 Mbit/s

2 to 20 Mbit/s

How to test internet speed?

If you feel that your internet isn't fast enough or you just want to know what download and upload speeds you are achieving, you can perform a simple internet speed test. You can check your connection speed with us in a few minutes.

You just need to enter your provider’s name, connection type, district, town, and your tariff. The tool will prepare a connection speed overview for you in a short time, covering both download and upload speeds. Detailed information, including response time estimates and how quickly variously sized files can be downloaded or uploaded, can also be displayed.

How to increase download speed?

If you've already performed an internet speed test and the measured speed is insufficient for you, don't despair. There are still ways to increase download speed. First, make sure that the speed is not limited by your provider who might be temporarily working on fixing the network.

One of the other ways to speed up downloads is to purchase a more powerful router. Dual-band routers, which allow connections to both 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, are a good choice. If you use wireless internet, the problem might also be that the router is too far away. Often, buying an antenna can significantly boost signal strength.

Also look at available connection alternatives. If you have a DSL or cable internet connection, consider looking into fiber optic internet offers. Changing the tariff can also help. Even after changing it, it is advisable to run a control speed test. Some providers can offer you an expensive tariff even though the speed will not meet expected values.

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