News Quantum technologies are slowly becoming a reality. They will likely replace GPS

Quantum technologies are slowly becoming a reality. They will likely replace GPS

Quantum technologies are relentlessly approaching and promise to revolutionize many areas. Quantum internet and quantum compasses are within our reach. A future without hackers and GPS may become a reality sooner than we think. However, scientists still face numerous obstacles, overcoming which may not be straightforward.

Quantum technologies are slowly becoming a reality. They will likely replace GPS

Quantum physics opens doors to a world of unprecedented possibilities, and scientists are racing to find its practical applications. It seems that the areas where quantum technologies will soon enter history will be the internet and possibly navigation.

Quantum internet: The unhackable network of the future?

Imagine an internet that is practically unhackable and opens doors to unprecedented computational power. This is the promise of the concept of quantum internet, which is slowly but surely becoming a reality.

Scientists from Leibniz University in Hanover conducted an experiment that could signify a breakthrough in connecting quantum technologies with existing internet infrastructure. They managed to send quantum information and classic data in the form of ones and zeros through a single optical fiber.

The key to success is the use of a special technique that allows shifting the phase of signals within the optical fiber. As a result, both quantum and classical data exist on the same frequency channel without interfering with each other.

Although this experiment is a significant step forward, the quantum internet still faces challenges. For instance, scientists are trying to extend the distance over which quantum information can be transferred without loss and are exploring ways to manage traffic in existing networks.

Quantum compasses: Goodbye GPS?

Navigation without GPS? This could also soon become a reality thanks to quantum compasses. These devices use quantum phenomena to determine position and promise independence from satellites.

Researchers from Sandia National Laboratory have made significant progress in miniaturizing the laser system essential for the functioning of quantum compasses. Specifically, they managed to shrink a system the size of a refrigerator into a miniature chip.

Quantum compasses operate on the principle of atomic interferometry. This utilizes the wave properties of atoms to measure acceleration, rotation, and angular velocity. These quantities then allow for determining the position without the need for satellite communication.

Although miniature quantum compasses are not yet ready for mass production, scientists are not giving up. They are working on miniaturizing other components and integrating them into a single chip. In the future, quantum compasses could find applications in areas where GPS is unavailable, such as densely built cities or even underwater.

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